Pencil Sketch of Black Rubber, Silver and Pearl Pendant by Joana Miranda
Pencil Sketch of Black Rubber, Silver and Pearl Pendant by Joana Miranda

While this isn’t my most colorful jewelry rendering, my “colorful” day makes up for it a little…

There’s nothing like arriving back from being out of town, and going to the remote parking lot where you’ve left your car, only to discover that you have car problems.  Not only did I have to coax my car to start today, but after moving sluggishly forward a distance of about 10 feet, I heard a loud DOING which was then following by smoke billowing out of the hood and an acrid burnt rubber smell.  I had a moment of panic wondering if the car was going to catch fire, but was able to gather my wits about me (along with my laptop and carry on bag) and exit without further incident.

A few hours later, and after getting too much sun, I – and the car – arrived home via a neon green and blue flame-painted flat-bed tow truck.

It could have been worse.  The weather was pleasant, the roar of the departing and arriving planes kept me company, and numerous parking shuttle drivers stopped by as they were making their rounds to inquire if I needed help.  I wish I could say that I was “Zen” as I waited the two hours alone in the parking lot, but I paced around, called my husband a few times, chewed gum and even balanced my checkbook.  Even so, being alone in the vastness of the outdoors (amidst many parked cars) made me feel oddly happy.

Here’s hoping that I feel no less happy tomorrow when I get news of the damage!  Serpentine belt or not, I think my car is not long for this world.


  1. nina says:

    Clearly, you were not meant to take the car to NYC. Seems like serendipitous timing to me.

    • Yes, but I wish the Gods would have cooperated with their timing more so that I didn’t have to spend close to $500 just to be able to drive it for the rest of the summer (or, at least here’s hoping it lasts that long!)

      🙂 Joana

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