Pencil and gouache rendering of stackable rings
Pencil and Gouache Diamond Stackable Bands by Joana Miranda

I’m all into piling the jewelry on, as long as the “piles” make some sort of sense.  Of course, I realize that my style preference is subjective, and that one person’s style is another’s raised eyebrow.  Take for instance the gentleman who came into the salon where I was waiting to get my hair cut yesterday.  He only caught my attention when he started talking to the receptionist about ballroom dancing.  Since I love dancing, I was distracted enough from the magazine in my lap to focus on the figure attached to the voice.  Imagine my surprise to see a rather sweaty gentleman sporting a baseball cap, untucked polo shirt, small khaki shorts, bare legs…and a pair of high-heeled black ladies dance shoes.

He was taking great care to point out that women are better dancers than men – the reason being that they do everything backwards and in high heels.  I wasn’t sure exactly if what I was seeing wasn’t a little backwards, but the risk-taking surely got my attention.

Vive la différence!


  1. Thanks, Helen! I regard that praise highly since I consider you the “Queen of Artfully Matching Jewelry.”

    🙂 Joana
    P.s. Can you send me the name of the jeweler who made the nuts and bolts necklace you were wearing on Sunday?

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