Help I’m Stuck! What to Do When Your Creative Juices Aren’t Flowing

Sometimes, despite our best intentions, we creative types find that we’re stuck.  We can’t seem to produce anything of note or, worse yet, we can’t even seem to find the time to sit down and create.  I do battle with this issue from time to time and humbly offer this list of tactics to help you get back to being creative:

Because the latter point is so important, I’ll say it again.  Make your creative time a daily habit.  Everything else can and should wait.  Yes, that means vacuuming the house (I’m a vacuuming fiend, so I say that as much for myself as for others!), doing the laundry, washing the baby bottles, perusing the latest catalog, and other have-to-do chores can wait.

“Jealousy is always a mask for fear: fear that we aren’t able to get what we want; frustration that somebody else seems to be getting what is rightfully ours even if we are too frightened to reach for it.”

  • If you don’t feel like you can applaud the successes of others, try flipping the table.  Think back to a time when you got something you wanted.  How did you feel? How did it feel to be congratulated?  Was there anyone who begrudged you your success?  How did that feel?
  • Have a life plan.  If you were to die tomorrow, what creative gift would you like to leave the world?
Lastly, be kind to yourself.  We are our own worst critics.  If you create a flop, treat it and yourself with kindness.  You are only human and tomorrow you can try again.
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