My Favorite Things – Getting My First Cartoon Published!

This is what it looked like around here this morning when I opened my email and learned that one of my cartoon submissions had been accepted for publication…

I started creating and submitting cartoons to publications back in September 2017.  A year and a half might seem like a long time to break in, but in the world of cartooning, it’s actually relatively short.  And so I also did this happy dance…

Truth be told, I figured that if I ever got published (I wasn’t getting discouraged – just trying to keep realistic), I might get picked up by one of the smaller publications who pay between $25 – $40 per cartoon.  This is what getting 3 figures for your first published cartoon looks like…

For now, I’m keeping further details of the magazine and publication date under wraps, but I promise to share more when I can.  In the meantime, there are still a handful of Joana Miranda Studio 2018 Cartoon Calendars available for sale.  And even though I’m now famous (ha!), the calendars are still just $18.50 each.  For more information, take a look here.

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