I had high hopes for my creative output for today. In fact, I found myself lying awake at 6:30 a.m. with my mind excitedly planning how my newest drawing video would look. Unfortunately, technology has interfered…or, more correctly, it has definitely slowed me down. But nevertheless, I’m happy to still be able to share this silly cartooning with watercolor pencils video.

Cartooning with Watercolor Pencils Demo:

In the coming days I’m hoping to tackle the learning curve that is Filmora9, my new video editing program. (Trying to do that while simultaneously figuring out the intricacies of Windows 10 on my new computer is daunting, to say the least.) But I’m a firm adherent to the “Where there’s a will there’s a way…” school of thinking.

I WILL figure out video-making, dammit!

Man with pipe - cartoon colored with watercolor pencils by Joana Miranda

(Even if I end up blue green in the face!)

Meanwhile, if you have suggestions for illustration videos you’d like to see me make…

Please write them in the comments section below. I’d love to hear from you!

In closing, I’ll leave you with this thought:

Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do.



  1. Helen Reich says:

    Well, I liked the video, and wow, art supplies are awesome. Watercolor pencils! Must save an awful lot of time not having to clean up after your watercolor paints and such!

    • Joana says:

      Hi Helen, Yah, watercolor pencils are pretty cool. I still prefer regular watercolor, but watercolor pencils (together with less water) are advantageous when I want to work on some of my less expensive multi-purpose drawing papers. I used to think that it would be good to narrow my focus to just one type of media, ie. watercolor or marker. But I think that switching the media up every now and then helps to keep things fresh and interesting – plus, I keep learning, too! 🙂
      xox – Joana

  2. Mm says:

    Looks like you got the video down pat. Can practically smell the smoke… xoxo mm

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