Sketchbook Inspiration for Lock Down Days

Wondering how to make your days pass by more pleasurably during this pandemic lock down? What about starting a sketchbook? It appears likely that we’ll be staying in a “holding pattern” for a while; so, even if you think you don’t know how to draw, you might surprise yourself and emerge a Picasso by the end of the pandemic! A sketchbook can be a fun way to record events, moods and feelings. Just Google “sketchbook inspiration” and you’re certain to get lots of fun ideas for where to start and what to draw. Because I love to cartoon people, my sketchbook inspiration for lock down days has been the passersby I see from our 4th floor window.

Sketchbook inspiration for lock down days…

And my work space – the dining room table – today.

As you can see, I grabbed a handful of my favorite drawing supplies (in this case, watercolor pencils and water brush pen) and got to work.

In the process, I had to be extra inventive, too…

Since my black colored pencil is getting quite short and stubby. I could order more black colored pencils, but with little money coming in right now, I’m loathe to spend unless it’s really a necessity. Take a look below for my solution to the problem (at least for now!)

Extend the life of your colored pencils with this clever hack:

As you can see, I used wood glue to glue the stubby black colored pencil (right side) to an almost as stubby 2B graphite pencil (left side). This will allow me to continue to sharpen the black colored pencil almost to its very end. Plus, it’s a lot more comfortable to hold as well.


The time spent looking out the window and sketching made the afternoon fly by. All of my people sketches were, in fact, folks I saw passing by on the street. Fortunately, we don’t have any mice in our apartment so I let my imagination run for this sketch:

Meanwhile, the High Five kitty sketch is a direct inspiration from this adorable creature.

(Thanks to video calling, I get to see him every day.)

And here are the rest of the sketches:

Stay safe and be well!


If you aren’t a subscriber to my monthly newsletter, you might have missed the found object, stop motion cartoon animation video I shared yesterday. But don’t fret…you can still see it on my Youtube channel. While you’re at it, why not subscribe to my channel and toggle on the little notification bell. That way you’ll never miss any of the drawing videos I post.

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