Yep, it’s that time again…when I let my hair down (read – “bed head”) and go around sans makeup because we’re in the back woods of New Hampshire. Even better, being away from the relentless pace of the city gives me the opportunity to slow down and spend some quality time PLAYING with my pens, watercolor paints and cartoon illustration sketches! Yesterday’s focus was a cat cartoon illustration. Today’s might just be that as well. In other words, I’ll keep at it until I feel like I’ve mastered the cat cartoon illustration genre!)

For a cat cartoon illustration it does help if you have a model. (Mine was busy watching the birds when I created this initial dip pen ink drawing):

Photo-of-inked-cat-cartoon-illustration in progress-by-Joana-Miranda

However, he stopped in to look over my progress after I switched over to painting with my watercolors.


(Actually, I think he was more interested in eating the paint!)

(As you can see, it’s hard not to be inspired by nature in this place…)

Finished watercolor cat cartoon illustration by Joana Miranda

The critics response (namely, mine) is still mixed on this cat cartoon drawing…


…but I think Little Puck might just hang it in his cat carrier!

P.S. If you don’t see as many posts from me in the next few weeks don’t be alarmed. Play time might not translate into as much computer time, but it WILL mean even more time spent practicing drawing, cartooning, and working on my watercolor cartoon illustration techniques!


    • Joana says:

      Hi Helen, Happy 4th of July! I’m not sure Cat Fancy accepts cartoons, but I will check! I have a bunch of leads I need to pursue. The only thing holding me back currently is that I’m feeling lazy (plus the internet is a bit slow at my mom’s cabin.) Excuses, excuses…hee-hee!
      A big hug,

  1. sharonia628 says:

    That’s my boy genius! He loved playing with the you on his new skyline!

    • Joana says:

      The feeling was mutual! He’s definitely the cutest muse I’ve encountered to date. 🙂
      xox – J

  2. Jennifer Greenlee says:

    Such a beautiful cat! And cute kitty cartoons!

    • Joana says:

      Thanks, Jennifer! Puck IS really adorable. We’re all smitten with him (but everyone who meets him falls in love, too, so it’s not just us. 😉

      I hope you get some time off this summer to recharge. Will you be able to get in any nature trips?
      xox – Joana

      • Jennifer Greenlee says:

        I’m planning to go to northern Michigan for several days in August—it’s been a tough time, and I really need the break. The orchestra goes on hiatus soon—nice to have less on my schedule!

        • Joana says:

          Hi Jennifer,

          I’m so glad that you will get a little break in August! Northern Michigan…does that mean Door County? The Milwaukee Symphony went up there when I was in the orchestra and I remember that it was very pretty. We just got a deluge of rain, but I had already taken Puck for a walk and gotten in my swim (and cleaned the cottage and baked bread!) I’ve been doing all of the cooking since we arrived but since I don’t have much else to do, it’s actually really enjoyable. (Plus, my mom redid the kitchen in the cottage so I’m LOVING being able to use it.)

          Sending you a BIG hug, my dear!

  3. Jennifer Greenlee says:

    Not quite that far north—just south of sleeping bear dunes!
    Right back atcha with the big hug.

    • Joana says:

      Well, where ever you end up going I hope you have great weather and a restful, peaceful and very rejuvenating time!:-)

      A big hug,

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